=================== FMIT - Free Music Instrument Tuner ========================= Author: Gilles Degottex Contributor: Florian Hars for the tunning scales, Arnout Engelen for the JACK issues Packagers: Toni Graffy and all the PackMan team ! (SuSE); Ludovic Reslinger (Debian); Edward Tomasz Napierala (FreeBSD) Donators: Joel Brandt, Martin Lynch, you Other helpful people: John Anderson for the microtonal module request; Scott Bahling for the request of the scales in cents; Jacob Shapiro to help me make FMIT working under Windows/Cygwin; Peter; ... ======================= COMPILATION & INSTALLATION ============================= To compile FMIT: From fmit package directory, create a directory build: $ mkdir build $ cd build Configure with standard options (see below for options): $ cmake .. Then as usual: Compile $ make and install as root # make install ---------------------- For non-standard compilation ---------------------------- check options: $ cmake -L .. To change an option, for example configure with PortAudio: $ cmake -D SOUNDSYSTEM_USE_PORTAUDIO=ON ..