InstrumentTunerForm 0 0 532 448 Free Music Instrument Tuner :/fmit/ui/images/fmit.png:/fmit/ui/images/fmit.png 0 0 20 16777215 Qt::NoFocus Keep the data in the error and volume views (shortcut "k"). Keep the data in the error and volume views (shortcut "k"). K e e p K true false 0 0 16777215 14 Volume in dB. Computed in the frequency domain, from the maximum bin. The maximum is reached when the signal energy is maximal NOT when the sound is saturated in the time domain. Volume in dB. Computed in the frequency domain, from the maximum bin. The maximum is reached when the signal energy is maximal NOT when the sound is saturated in the time domain. false 0 0 300 0 11 According to the following colors: red : the capture system is not working. grey : the capture system is OK, but there is not enough sound. orange : the analysis conditions are bad (like saturation) green : a note is beeing analyzed and analysis conditions are OK. According to the following colors: red : the capture system is not working. grey : the capture system is OK, but there is not enough sound. orange : the analysis conditions are bad (like saturation) green : a note is beeing analyzed and analysis conditions are OK. true Note Stability Qt::AlignCenter true 10 75 true The base tunning frequency (the A4 frequency) The base tunning frequency (the A4 frequency) Tuning Frequency Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter false 100 32767 14 75 true Qt::NoFocus The base tunning frequency (the A4 frequency) The base tunning frequency (the A4 frequency) Hz 220 880 1 440 Offset in cents from the base tuning frequency Offset in cents from the base tuning frequency Offset Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter false 100 32767 Qt::NoFocus Offset in cents from the base tuning frequency Offset in cents from the base tuning frequency cents -50 50 1 0 0 0 0 25 The frequency of the current note in Hertz. The frequency of the current note in Hertz. QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain QLCDNumber::Flat 28 The recognized note The recognized note Qt::AlignCenter false 0 0 32767 25 The target frequency of the current note in Hertz. The target frequency of the current note in Hertz. QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain QLCDNumber::Flat Qt::PreventContextMenu Views TopToolBarArea false Qt::PreventContextMenu Settings TopToolBarArea false true :/fmit/ui/images/pause.png:/fmit/ui/images/pause.png Pause Pause: the capture, the sound analysis and all views. Pause: the capture, the sound analysis and all views. Space pauseAction :/fmit/ui/images/config.png:/fmit/ui/images/config.png Configure configAction :/fmit/ui/images/saveSettings.png:/fmit/ui/images/saveSettings.png Save settings Save configuration panel settings, views settings and the window size. Save configuration panel settings, views settings and the window size. Ctrl+S saveSettingsAction :/fmit/ui/images/helpAbout.png:/fmit/ui/images/helpAbout.png About Invoke the about box. Invoke the about box. helpAboutAction helpAboutAction activated() InstrumentTunerForm helpAbout() -1 -1 20 20 configAction activated() InstrumentTunerForm configure() -1 -1 20 20 pauseAction toggled(bool) InstrumentTunerForm pause(bool) -1 -1 20 20 ui_spinAFreq valueChanged(int) InstrumentTunerForm ui_spinAFreq_valueChanged(int) 20 20 20 20 saveSettingsAction activated() InstrumentTunerForm saveSettings() -1 -1 20 20 ui_spinA3Offset valueChanged(int) InstrumentTunerForm ui_spinAOffset_valueChanged(int) 20 20 20 20