Release version 0.99.2-1
[fmit.git] / ui / InstrumentTunerForm.ui
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <ui version="4.0">
3  <class>InstrumentTunerForm</class>
4  <widget class="QMainWindow" name="InstrumentTunerForm">
5   <property name="geometry">
6    <rect>
7     <x>0</x>
8     <y>0</y>
9     <width>532</width>
10     <height>448</height>
11    </rect>
12   </property>
13   <property name="windowTitle">
14    <string>Free Music Instrument Tuner</string>
15   </property>
16   <property name="windowIcon">
17    <iconset resource="../src/fmit.qrc">
18     <normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/fmit.png</normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/fmit.png</iconset>
19   </property>
20   <widget class="QWidget" name="centralwidget">
21    <layout class="QVBoxLayout">
22     <item>
23      <layout class="QHBoxLayout">
24       <item>
25        <layout class="QVBoxLayout">
26         <item>
27          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="ui_graphLayout"/>
28         </item>
29         <item>
30          <layout class="QHBoxLayout">
31           <item>
32            <widget class="QPushButton" name="ui_btnKeepErrorHistory">
33             <property name="sizePolicy">
34              <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Preferred">
35               <horstretch>0</horstretch>
36               <verstretch>0</verstretch>
37              </sizepolicy>
38             </property>
39             <property name="maximumSize">
40              <size>
41               <width>20</width>
42               <height>16777215</height>
43              </size>
44             </property>
45             <property name="focusPolicy">
46              <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
47             </property>
48             <property name="toolTip">
49              <string>Keep the data in the error and volume views (shortcut &quot;k&quot;).</string>
50             </property>
51             <property name="whatsThis">
52              <string>Keep the data in the error and volume views (shortcut &quot;k&quot;).</string>
53             </property>
54             <property name="text">
55              <string>K
56 e
57 e
58 p</string>
59             </property>
60             <property name="shortcut">
61              <string>K</string>
62             </property>
63             <property name="checkable">
64              <bool>true</bool>
65             </property>
66             <property name="checked">
67              <bool>false</bool>
68             </property>
69            </widget>
70           </item>
71           <item>
72            <layout class="QVBoxLayout">
73             <item>
74              <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="ui_errorLayout"/>
75             </item>
76             <item>
77              <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="ui_volumeLayout"/>
78             </item>
79            </layout>
80           </item>
81          </layout>
82         </item>
83         <item>
84          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="ui_sampleLayout"/>
85         </item>
86         <item>
87          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="ui_formantsLayout"/>
88         </item>
89         <item>
90          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="ui_FT"/>
91         </item>
92        </layout>
93       </item>
94       <item>
95        <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="ui_rightLayout">
96         <item>
97          <widget class="QProgressBar" name="ui_pgbVolume">
98           <property name="sizePolicy">
99            <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
100             <horstretch>0</horstretch>
101             <verstretch>0</verstretch>
102            </sizepolicy>
103           </property>
104           <property name="maximumSize">
105            <size>
106             <width>16777215</width>
107             <height>14</height>
108            </size>
109           </property>
110           <property name="toolTip">
111            <string>Volume in dB.
112 Computed in the frequency domain, from the maximum bin.
113 The maximum is reached when the signal energy is maximal NOT when the sound is saturated in the time domain.</string>
114           </property>
115           <property name="whatsThis">
116            <string>Volume in dB.
117 Computed in the frequency domain, from the maximum bin.
118 The maximum is reached when the signal energy is maximal NOT when the sound is saturated in the time domain.</string>
119           </property>
120           <property name="format">
121            <string/>
122           </property>
123           <property name="percentageVisible" stdset="0">
124            <bool>false</bool>
125           </property>
126          </widget>
127         </item>
128         <item>
129          <widget class="QLabel" name="ui_lblSoundStability">
130           <property name="sizePolicy">
131            <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Preferred">
132             <horstretch>0</horstretch>
133             <verstretch>0</verstretch>
134            </sizepolicy>
135           </property>
136           <property name="minimumSize">
137            <size>
138             <width>300</width>
139             <height>0</height>
140            </size>
141           </property>
142           <property name="font">
143            <font>
144             <pointsize>11</pointsize>
145            </font>
146           </property>
147           <property name="toolTip">
148            <string>According to the following colors:
149 red       : the capture system is not working.
150 grey     : the capture system is OK, but there is not enough sound.
151 orange : the analysis conditions are bad (like saturation)
152 green   : a note is beeing analyzed and analysis conditions are OK.</string>
153           </property>
154           <property name="whatsThis">
155            <string>According to the following colors:
156 red       : the capture system is not working.
157 grey     : the capture system is OK, but there is not enough sound.
158 orange : the analysis conditions are bad (like saturation)
159 green   : a note is beeing analyzed and analysis conditions are OK.</string>
160           </property>
161           <property name="autoFillBackground">
162            <bool>true</bool>
163           </property>
164           <property name="text">
165            <string>Note Stability</string>
166           </property>
167           <property name="alignment">
168            <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
169           </property>
170           <property name="wordWrap">
171            <bool>true</bool>
172           </property>
173          </widget>
174         </item>
175         <item>
176          <layout class="QVBoxLayout">
177           <item>
178            <layout class="QHBoxLayout">
179             <item>
180              <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel8">
181               <property name="font">
182                <font>
183                 <pointsize>10</pointsize>
184                 <weight>75</weight>
185                 <bold>true</bold>
186                </font>
187               </property>
188               <property name="toolTip">
189                <string>The base tunning frequency (the A4 frequency)</string>
190               </property>
191               <property name="whatsThis">
192                <string>The base tunning frequency (the A4 frequency)</string>
193               </property>
194               <property name="text">
195                <string>Tuning Frequency</string>
196               </property>
197               <property name="alignment">
198                <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
199               </property>
200               <property name="wordWrap">
201                <bool>false</bool>
202               </property>
203              </widget>
204             </item>
205             <item>
206              <widget class="QSpinBox" name="ui_spinAFreq">
207               <property name="maximumSize">
208                <size>
209                 <width>100</width>
210                 <height>32767</height>
211                </size>
212               </property>
213               <property name="font">
214                <font>
215                 <pointsize>14</pointsize>
216                 <weight>75</weight>
217                 <bold>true</bold>
218                </font>
219               </property>
220               <property name="focusPolicy">
221                <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
222               </property>
223               <property name="toolTip">
224                <string>The base tunning frequency (the A4 frequency)</string>
225               </property>
226               <property name="whatsThis">
227                <string>The base tunning frequency (the A4 frequency)</string>
228               </property>
229               <property name="suffix">
230                <string> Hz</string>
231               </property>
232               <property name="minimum">
233                <number>220</number>
234               </property>
235               <property name="maximum">
236                <number>880</number>
237               </property>
238               <property name="singleStep">
239                <number>1</number>
240               </property>
241               <property name="value">
242                <number>440</number>
243               </property>
244              </widget>
245             </item>
246            </layout>
247           </item>
248           <item>
249            <layout class="QHBoxLayout">
250             <item>
251              <widget class="QLabel" name="ui_lblA3Offset">
252               <property name="toolTip">
253                <string>Offset in cents from the base tuning frequency</string>
254               </property>
255               <property name="whatsThis">
256                <string>Offset in cents from the base tuning frequency</string>
257               </property>
258               <property name="text">
259                <string>Offset</string>
260               </property>
261               <property name="alignment">
262                <set>Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
263               </property>
264               <property name="wordWrap">
265                <bool>false</bool>
266               </property>
267              </widget>
268             </item>
269             <item>
270              <widget class="QSpinBox" name="ui_spinA3Offset">
271               <property name="maximumSize">
272                <size>
273                 <width>100</width>
274                 <height>32767</height>
275                </size>
276               </property>
277               <property name="focusPolicy">
278                <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
279               </property>
280               <property name="toolTip">
281                <string>Offset in cents from the base tuning frequency</string>
282               </property>
283               <property name="whatsThis">
284                <string>Offset in cents from the base tuning frequency</string>
285               </property>
286               <property name="suffix">
287                <string> cents</string>
288               </property>
289               <property name="minimum">
290                <number>-50</number>
291               </property>
292               <property name="maximum">
293                <number>50</number>
294               </property>
295               <property name="singleStep">
296                <number>1</number>
297               </property>
298               <property name="value">
299                <number>0</number>
300               </property>
301              </widget>
302             </item>
303            </layout>
304           </item>
305          </layout>
306         </item>
307         <item>
308          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="ui_dialTuneLayout"/>
309         </item>
310         <item>
311          <widget class="QLCDNumber" name="ui_txtFreq">
312           <property name="sizePolicy">
313            <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Minimum">
314             <horstretch>0</horstretch>
315             <verstretch>0</verstretch>
316            </sizepolicy>
317           </property>
318           <property name="minimumSize">
319            <size>
320             <width>0</width>
321             <height>25</height>
322            </size>
323           </property>
324           <property name="toolTip">
325            <string>The frequency of the current note in Hertz.</string>
326           </property>
327           <property name="whatsThis">
328            <string>The frequency of the current note in Hertz.</string>
329           </property>
330           <property name="frameShape">
331            <enum>QFrame::NoFrame</enum>
332           </property>
333           <property name="frameShadow">
334            <enum>QFrame::Plain</enum>
335           </property>
336           <property name="segmentStyle">
337            <enum>QLCDNumber::Flat</enum>
338           </property>
339          </widget>
340         </item>
341         <item>
342          <layout class="QHBoxLayout">
343           <item>
344            <widget class="QLabel" name="ui_txtNote">
345             <property name="font">
346              <font>
347               <pointsize>28</pointsize>
348              </font>
349             </property>
350             <property name="toolTip">
351              <string>The recognized note</string>
352             </property>
353             <property name="whatsThis">
354              <string>The recognized note</string>
355             </property>
356             <property name="alignment">
357              <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
358             </property>
359             <property name="wordWrap">
360              <bool>false</bool>
361             </property>
362            </widget>
363           </item>
364           <item>
365            <widget class="QLCDNumber" name="ui_txtNoteFreq">
366             <property name="sizePolicy">
367              <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Minimum">
368               <horstretch>0</horstretch>
369               <verstretch>0</verstretch>
370              </sizepolicy>
371             </property>
372             <property name="maximumSize">
373              <size>
374               <width>32767</width>
375               <height>25</height>
376              </size>
377             </property>
378             <property name="toolTip">
379              <string>The target frequency of the current note in Hertz.</string>
380             </property>
381             <property name="whatsThis">
382              <string>The target frequency of the current note in Hertz.</string>
383             </property>
384             <property name="frameShape">
385              <enum>QFrame::NoFrame</enum>
386             </property>
387             <property name="frameShadow">
388              <enum>QFrame::Plain</enum>
389             </property>
390             <property name="segmentStyle">
391              <enum>QLCDNumber::Flat</enum>
392             </property>
393            </widget>
394           </item>
395          </layout>
396         </item>
397        </layout>
398       </item>
399      </layout>
400     </item>
401     <item>
402      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="ui_microtonalLayout"/>
403     </item>
404    </layout>
405   </widget>
406   <widget class="QToolBar" name="ui_tbViews">
407    <property name="contextMenuPolicy">
408     <enum>Qt::PreventContextMenu</enum>
409    </property>
410    <property name="label" stdset="0">
411     <string>Views</string>
412    </property>
413    <attribute name="toolBarArea">
414     <enum>TopToolBarArea</enum>
415    </attribute>
416    <attribute name="toolBarBreak">
417     <bool>false</bool>
418    </attribute>
419   </widget>
420   <widget class="QToolBar" name="ui_tbButtons">
421    <property name="contextMenuPolicy">
422     <enum>Qt::PreventContextMenu</enum>
423    </property>
424    <property name="label" stdset="0">
425     <string>Settings</string>
426    </property>
427    <attribute name="toolBarArea">
428     <enum>TopToolBarArea</enum>
429    </attribute>
430    <attribute name="toolBarBreak">
431     <bool>false</bool>
432    </attribute>
433    <addaction name="pauseAction"/>
434    <addaction name="configAction"/>
435    <addaction name="saveSettingsAction"/>
436    <addaction name="helpAboutAction"/>
437   </widget>
438   <action name="pauseAction">
439    <property name="checkable">
440     <bool>true</bool>
441    </property>
442    <property name="icon">
443     <iconset resource="../src/fmit.qrc">
444      <normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/pause.png</normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/pause.png</iconset>
445    </property>
446    <property name="text">
447     <string>Pause</string>
448    </property>
449    <property name="statusTip">
450     <string>Pause: the capture, the sound analysis and all views.</string>
451    </property>
452    <property name="whatsThis">
453     <string>Pause: the capture, the sound analysis and all views.</string>
454    </property>
455    <property name="shortcut">
456     <string>Space</string>
457    </property>
458    <property name="name" stdset="0">
459     <cstring>pauseAction</cstring>
460    </property>
461   </action>
462   <action name="configAction">
463    <property name="icon">
464     <iconset resource="../src/fmit.qrc">
465      <normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/config.png</normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/config.png</iconset>
466    </property>
467    <property name="text">
468     <string>Configure</string>
469    </property>
470    <property name="name" stdset="0">
471     <cstring>configAction</cstring>
472    </property>
473   </action>
474   <action name="saveSettingsAction">
475    <property name="icon">
476     <iconset resource="../src/fmit.qrc">
477      <normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/saveSettings.png</normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/saveSettings.png</iconset>
478    </property>
479    <property name="text">
480     <string>Save settings</string>
481    </property>
482    <property name="statusTip">
483     <string>Save configuration panel settings, views settings and the window size.</string>
484    </property>
485    <property name="whatsThis">
486     <string>Save configuration panel settings, views settings and the window size.</string>
487    </property>
488    <property name="shortcut">
489     <string>Ctrl+S</string>
490    </property>
491    <property name="name" stdset="0">
492     <cstring>saveSettingsAction</cstring>
493    </property>
494   </action>
495   <action name="helpAboutAction">
496    <property name="icon">
497     <iconset resource="../src/fmit.qrc">
498      <normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/helpAbout.png</normaloff>:/fmit/ui/images/helpAbout.png</iconset>
499    </property>
500    <property name="text">
501     <string>About</string>
502    </property>
503    <property name="statusTip">
504     <string>Invoke the about box.</string>
505    </property>
506    <property name="whatsThis">
507     <string>Invoke the about box.</string>
508    </property>
509    <property name="name" stdset="0">
510     <cstring>helpAboutAction</cstring>
511    </property>
512   </action>
513  </widget>
514  <layoutdefault spacing="6" margin="11"/>
515  <resources>
516   <include location="../src/fmit.qrc"/>
517  </resources>
518  <connections>
519   <connection>
520    <sender>helpAboutAction</sender>
521    <signal>activated()</signal>
522    <receiver>InstrumentTunerForm</receiver>
523    <slot>helpAbout()</slot>
524    <hints>
525     <hint type="sourcelabel">
526      <x>-1</x>
527      <y>-1</y>
528     </hint>
529     <hint type="destinationlabel">
530      <x>20</x>
531      <y>20</y>
532     </hint>
533    </hints>
534   </connection>
535   <connection>
536    <sender>configAction</sender>
537    <signal>activated()</signal>
538    <receiver>InstrumentTunerForm</receiver>
539    <slot>configure()</slot>
540    <hints>
541     <hint type="sourcelabel">
542      <x>-1</x>
543      <y>-1</y>
544     </hint>
545     <hint type="destinationlabel">
546      <x>20</x>
547      <y>20</y>
548     </hint>
549    </hints>
550   </connection>
551   <connection>
552    <sender>pauseAction</sender>
553    <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
554    <receiver>InstrumentTunerForm</receiver>
555    <slot>pause(bool)</slot>
556    <hints>
557     <hint type="sourcelabel">
558      <x>-1</x>
559      <y>-1</y>
560     </hint>
561     <hint type="destinationlabel">
562      <x>20</x>
563      <y>20</y>
564     </hint>
565    </hints>
566   </connection>
567   <connection>
568    <sender>ui_spinAFreq</sender>
569    <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
570    <receiver>InstrumentTunerForm</receiver>
571    <slot>ui_spinAFreq_valueChanged(int)</slot>
572    <hints>
573     <hint type="sourcelabel">
574      <x>20</x>
575      <y>20</y>
576     </hint>
577     <hint type="destinationlabel">
578      <x>20</x>
579      <y>20</y>
580     </hint>
581    </hints>
582   </connection>
583   <connection>
584    <sender>saveSettingsAction</sender>
585    <signal>activated()</signal>
586    <receiver>InstrumentTunerForm</receiver>
587    <slot>saveSettings()</slot>
588    <hints>
589     <hint type="sourcelabel">
590      <x>-1</x>
591      <y>-1</y>
592     </hint>
593     <hint type="destinationlabel">
594      <x>20</x>
595      <y>20</y>
596     </hint>
597    </hints>
598   </connection>
599   <connection>
600    <sender>ui_spinA3Offset</sender>
601    <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
602    <receiver>InstrumentTunerForm</receiver>
603    <slot>ui_spinAOffset_valueChanged(int)</slot>
604    <hints>
605     <hint type="sourcelabel">
606      <x>20</x>
607      <y>20</y>
608     </hint>
609     <hint type="destinationlabel">
610      <x>20</x>
611      <y>20</y>
612     </hint>
613    </hints>
614   </connection>
615  </connections>
616 </ui>